It’s not so long ago we noted the onwork.edu.au site had reached its 2000th entry.
We have now passed the 2500 barrier. Many of those new entries are citations collected by Tom, which should be of some help to researchers.
The latest additions are in the following themes:
• religious views on work, adding to the existing references on work in Islam. These latest inclusions cover particularly Catholic (Augustine, Gregory, Aquinas, John Paul II’s Laborem Exercens) and Protestant (Luther in particular) sources, as well as the religious roots of the work ethic.
• new sources in Spanish, with new collaborations with colleagues in Chile, Magdalena Garces and Antonio Stecher.
• the impact of work complexity on personality, documenting in particular the research of Melvin Kohn and Carmi Schooler.
• research by Amy Wrzesniewski on job crafting and callings.
• psychological and psychoanalytical approaches to the experience of work, notably by Parisa Dashtipour.
• philosophical approaches to the ethical and political stakes of contemporary work by Michael Cholbi and Kory Schaff.