The repository has now passed its 4,000th entry.
As noted in the last post, the most recent additions have mainly been in the area of Automation.
A number of new themes have been added in that area, around specific issues concerning Artificial Intelligence (in education, finance, healthcare, journalism, law, management, medicine, scientific research), but also on emerging themes in the ethics and politics of AI, notably Algocracy, and Digital Taylorism.
Of particular note are the numerous extracts collated from the writings of three French thinkers whose ideas on work, modern history and communtiy continue to have profound influence on debates about work: Georges Bataille (37 quotes), Maurice Blanchot (15 quotes), and Jean-Luc Nancy (20 quotes). The repository lists a number of studies dedicated to these authors.
Other notable additions are in the themes of:
- Skills
- the writings of GDH Cole, the father of guild socialism
- studies by the British sociologist of work Judy Wacjman, notably her skeptical review of literature on post-work futures: “Automation: Is it really different this time?”.