Welcome to the OnWork newsletter

Welcome to the OnWork newsletter.
The newsletter has been created to update you on recent additions to the onwork.edu.au web site, the online repository documenting debates on work, past and present.
We look forward to your visit to the web site. Contributions are more than welcome. Follow the prompts on the site if you are interested.
The repository is part of the Australian Research Council-funded research project "The Case for Work" (ARC DP190103116).
Project Summary
The online repository onwork.edu.au is part of the Australian Research Council funded Discovery Project “The Case for Work” (DP190103116). The project aims to make “the case for work”, by mapping out and responding to, the arguments that have been raised by philosophers and social scientists against the idea that work is central to individuals and communities.
Contributing to OnWork.edu.au
For many citations
If you are interested in suggesting themes, citations, or passages of interest to For Work/Against Work, please create entries in a citation manager (We use paperpile.com), and export them in .bib
, .ris
, or .xml
format. Then email that file and the suggested themes for that file to jp.deranty@mq.edu.au.
For few citations
We also welcome links to publishers’ websites, DOIs, or Google Scholar entries in an email along with suggested themes and/or a juicy quote appropriate to the work in an email.
Onwork logo by Brian Ballsun-Stanton. CC-BY 2020.