Excellent piece. Thank you very much! Really important topic that many in contemporary political and social theory don't pay enough attention to. And the list of resources is excellent: I now have a further new topic for my first year political theory module!

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With the current pandemic where people are forced to work from home, social reproduction, commodity production and economic organisation appear to becoming more perversely entangled. Parents, in particular women, who are now working from home are now being required to keep economic production afloat while also ensuring social reproduction continues, trying to take care of their children while working from home. Through this perverse entanglement social reproduction is now being made visible because it presents a challenge to economic production. It will be interesting to see what the likely outcomes of social reproduction now becoming visible. It seems economic production will continue to press forward, and I think the fear is that the labour required to keep economic production going will not only be drawn out with parents finding they are working longer hours, but that value of this labour will inherently decrease as a result. Social reproduction will still remain unpaid, but I think it will also become a nuisance to economic production and will continue to be undervalued.

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